Sunday, April 27, 2014


We are very lucky to have neighbours who have boys just the same age as ours. All we have to do is go outside and, one by one, the boys come out to play. This morning was rainy so we stayed inside and were treated to a pretend brunch, courtesy of Alexander and Oliver. I even got a free brunch because I had enough super points on my card (I have no idea where they got that from!). After "brunch", we went outside to play, the neighbourhood boys came out and we ended up having coffee with our friends who live 2 houses down from us. Play time for parents too ;)

Now it is time for homework and dinner preparation.... Good evening to you all :)

Brunch time!

Yummy plastic food...

Nicka on his scooter

Alexander on his bike

Oliver and his worm friend

Gardening time


  1. Super points, :-) Thats because you are a super mom :-)
    I loved these spontaneously get to gather for coffee, while the boys was playing, we don't have that meme of them now where the boys don't live at home anymore.

    1. You are so sweet, Catarina! I think all the parents get together to recharge on either coffee or wine and we all sympathize with each other ;)
      But think that, now, you get to gather without kids... much more relaxing! ;)
