Thursday, November 13, 2014

Birthday boy

Today is Alexander's 10th birthday! I can't believe it..... 10 years old! Last night I made some cupcakes for his school class and then we will celebrate him this evening. My mother and father-in law are in town from Sweden so it will be a fun celebration! Happy birthday, sweetheart... we love you xox


  1. Happy Birthday with and to your big and handsome yang man. :-)
    Enjoy all the celebration og hopefully you show som photos of the his day.
    Do the boys seek Swedish or do they (only) speak English?

    1. Tak Catarina! He had a great time.... with lots of cake and presents ;)
      My husband only speaks Swedish to the boys so they understand it almost 100%. They tend to answer him in English because they feel more comfortable in it and Andreas tends to always speak in English with me (bad husband!). He says that my Swedish sounds too Danish and I confuse him ;)
      The boys also spend about 3/4 of their school day in French so they get a lot of languages.

    2. Is good that they understand Swedish also for ther grandparents and the rest of the elderly in Andreas family :-)

  2. Congratulations and a very happy birthday with (grand) parents! Awesome!
